• Texas,  United States

    Dash from Dallas

    As most of you are aware (Jonathan!) we've already left the US. The last couple of blogs and this one are just catching up with what's happened in the last 10 or so days. Keep in mind when reading the previous blogs and this one that, at the time they were written, the COVID-19 situation was very different to what it is today/now/this hour.

  • Texas,  United States

    Trouble in Texas

    After spending the last 5 days on the move every day, with at least 3.5 to 4 hours of driving per day and another two days of the same ahead of us, plus TWO time changes within an 8 hour time frame (ie: messing with the sleep), I was in NO mood for not one but both psycho bitches (GPS and Google) to take us the worst possible route AGAIN, this time 5 mins into our trip on Monday morning. We had some rain the previous night and the bitches thought it’d be a good laugh to take us down a sand “road” instead of the paved road that leads…

  • California,  United States

    Mojave Desert

    Drove from Vegas to Mojave Desert, passing many Joshua Trees (a first for us) and after a couple of hours of a jarring, jolting ride down dirt “roads” that scrambled our brains and re-arranged our internal organs, we eventually arrived at our spot for the night. No hook ups (electricity & water) but a very beautiful spot to spend a couple of days.