• Mexico

    Canopy River Hike

    We've been a tad inactive and couch-potato-ish lately so we decided to go on a hike in the mountains (Sierra Madre Occidental) last Wednesday. We forewent the thrilling zip-lining and ATV tours despite the conflicting information as to whether it was a 12km or 8km long hike.

  • Costa Rica

    Rio Celeste Waterfalls

    We were up at dawn (almost) on Saturday morning for a 2.5hr drive to Tenorio Volcano National Park to hike to the Rio Celeste Waterfall. The pool at the base of the waterfall as well as the river have aluminosilicate particles in the water which helps to create an optical phenomenon called Mie Scattering (Google it) ...

  • Panama

    The Lost Waterfalls

    One of my favourite things about travelling is meeting new people from around the world, sharing our experiences, discussing our cultural differences, and asking any burning questions we may have about their country of origin.

  • Panama

    Pipeline Trail

    Went on another hike on Sunday - on the "Pipeline Trail". Not as scenic/photogenic as the previous hike but this time we were in the search of the highly elusive Resplendent Quetzal (Bird), Howler Monkeys and Sloths.

  • Panama

    Suspension Bridge Hike

    As Axl Rose from Guns 'n Roses wisely said ... "Welcome to the Jungle" Got up at 7:00 this morning aiming to make a last minute booking for a hike along the Pipeline trail - but unfortunately, there were no availabilities for the next few days. However, the company next door offered a suspension bridge hike, and within two minutes we were seated on a safari bus, making our way to some place in Palo Alto. And by "some place" I mean this: