United States
Winery & Pismo Beach
Brace yourself people for another lengthy post. This is what happens when you're without WiFi for a week and on the move every other day.
Elephant Seal Rookery
Towards the end of Highway 1 we came across Piedras Blancas Northern Elephant Seal Rockery. The rookery is 4 miles north of Hearst Castle on California Highway.
Monterey, Dali & Big Sur
It's been one hell of an adventure (for better and for worse) travelling to our second destination on our grand road trip.
Sh*t Happens!
"Shit happens" is a common vulgar slang phrase that is used as a simple existential observation that life is full of unpredictable events,
Anthony Chabot Camping
Learning the ropes in the RV and hanging around for 3 days as all RV sites in Big Sur were fully booked until Sunday Night. More fun and games :)
Trials, Tribulations & Telcos
We've been on the road in the RV for 6 days now but we've been in the bush and without WiFi so no updates - read on and you'll find out one of the reasons why.
Welcome to the USA
Arrived at San Fran airport and was hoping for a better experience than arriving at LA where we were herded like cattle and shouted at like prisoners. Thankfully none of that this time but ...