Bakersfield – Panamint Springs
In transit for a couple of days en-route to Death Valley. One night in Bakersfield and one night in Panamint Springs.
Winery & Pismo Beach
Brace yourself people for another lengthy post. This is what happens when you're without WiFi for a week and on the move every other day.
Elephant Seal Rookery
Towards the end of Highway 1 we came across Piedras Blancas Northern Elephant Seal Rockery. The rookery is 4 miles north of Hearst Castle on California Highway.
Sh*t Happens!
"Shit happens" is a common vulgar slang phrase that is used as a simple existential observation that life is full of unpredictable events,
Trials, Tribulations & Telcos
We've been on the road in the RV for 6 days now but we've been in the bush and without WiFi so no updates - read on and you'll find out one of the reasons why.
Welcome to the USA
Arrived at San Fran airport and was hoping for a better experience than arriving at LA where we were herded like cattle and shouted at like prisoners. Thankfully none of that this time but ...
Mexico Unfiltered
We had a rocky start but after abandoning the Airbnb, we found there is much to love about Mexico - well Puerto Vallarta anyway.
Canopy River Hike
We've been a tad inactive and couch-potato-ish lately so we decided to go on a hike in the mountains (Sierra Madre Occidental) last Wednesday. We forewent the thrilling zip-lining and ATV tours despite the conflicting information as to whether it was a 12km or 8km long hike.
Spinning Tops & Movies
I LOVE going to the movies overseas - such a completely different experience. Still remember the first time I saw a movie in the UK but my BEST movie experience was in India seeing an Action/Romance Bollywood movie - didn't understand a word of it (and no sub-titles) but it was so entertaining.
Mexico … take two
So after our harrowing taxi ride, we arrived at the hotel in Puerto Vallarta and I'm delighted to say it is wonderful. We dropped our bags, caught up on urgent emails, bank transfers etc then took a walk to check out our new surroundings which, by the way, are worlds apart from Bucerias. It's hard to believe we're in the same country ... never mind just 22kms up the road!