
One, two, three ….

I was feeling VERY proud of my resolution to exercise calm and restraint whilst away on our travels. When I:

Didn’t say a word to the seat hog next to me on the Brisbane to Sydney flight – not even when he jumped up out of his (middle) seat and pushed passed me (aisle seat) to get in front of me when getting off the plane.

Did NOT get snippy on arrival at Brisbane hotel to be told that parking would be an additional $40 for the night.

Did NOT lose my cool when we were waiting patiently in line for 30 minutes to check in and some IDIOT is at the counter with shopping bags (ie: open paper bags) with what appears to be shoe boxes in them, that he intends to put through as CHECKED LUGGAGE – therefore holding everyone up by a further 20 mins.

Did NOT say a word when …. fun fact … we get off the plane in Santiago and see a sign saying that if you’re Australian, you are required to pay a US$117 “Reciprocity Fee” EACH and preferably in CASH and notes are to be new, undamaged etc. Kicking myself as we could have entered on other passports which would require no payment.

Did NOT lose my cool when we got to the front of the considerable customs line in Santiago at the equivalent of 3am Australia time having slept for only 1 hour on the plane and we’re told to join a different queue – for no apparent reason.

HOWEVER, when we arrived at the hotel, now approximately 4am AEST, and the man at the counter wants me to pay for a night’s accommodation when I believe I’ve already paid in advance (4 months ago) for FOUR nights …. I MAY have told him that I wanted to see the Manager and I didn’t appreciate being treated like a “criminal” (insert Jarrah dying of embarrassment) …. only to realise about 20 minutes later, that he was in fact correct!

Days since departure … less than 1. Days without a dummy spit … Zero.


  • Pip

    OMG Sandy – my years of working in Travel came flooding back – especially reading the shoe box incident…Im crying at the images that conjures up!!
    Bit like the bald customer I had to put in an insurance claim for – who killed his few remaining head hair follicles whilst standing on the jetty in Fiji but refused to wear a hat – then wanted compensation…
    oom! oom! oom! ….are you planning to divert to a Buddhist retreat in Thailand at this stage?
    A good pillow, and Chilean red – that’s your reward for “nearly” managing !!

  • Deb, Pep n Thorpey

    OMG Sandy, I’m laughing so hard at this (with you not at you!!) Can picture this completely, can’t wait for the next instalment 🙂 🙂 🙂

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