

In less time than it takes some people to commute to work in Sydney, just a short hop, skip and a jump over the pond and we’re in Germany! We’ve been watching border opening updates for some weeks in the hope that we would be able to continue our travels and happily, most of the EU re-opened their borders on 15 June. Unfortunately, thanks to Boris (who is now back in the dog box), some EU countries are still not allowing UK passport holders in now that the UK is no longer part of the EU. Happily Germany is not one of those countries – hence why it’s our first stop (France probably would have been under normal circumstances, but Macron is playing tit-for-tat with Boris at the moment). Germany is also one of the few countries that has been very successful in handling the nightmare of COVID and as a result not only has their mortality rate been lower than most in Europe, but most restaurants, pubs and tourist attractions re-opened a few weeks ago (although there are some exceptions and rules do differ from state to state).

After spending 2 months in complete lock down on arrival in the UK (allowed out once a day for exercise and only grocery stores and pharmacies open) followed by a month being allowed out as many times a day as we like but everything still closed … it was amazing to be able to go out and have a meal at a restaurant, to see people out and about instead of deserted, apocalyptic-type streets/cities/towns. To give some context, Germany currently has ~7,450 active cases of COVID (population of 88 million) whereas the UK (with a population of 66 million) has ~261,800 active cases. USA as of today, is sitting at ~2,389,785.

We’ve planned a three week trip of Germany, including a visit to our Costa-Rica house-mates Chris and Tom, starting in Hamburg, taking a less-than-direct route to Munich.

Despite the car hire company needing 3 attempts (and taking longer than the flight from London) to give me the correct car and its correct location, AND the hotel in Hamburg also needing 3 attempts to give us a room that was booked (first gave us a room with a double bed, then a room that had someone’s clothes hanging in the wardrobe) – managed only one snide comment to car rental woman (so not reeeaaally a dummy spit)



  • Diane Cooper

    Sooo happy for you that you’re able to continue your travels!
    Jarrah – I do hope they did a doggy bag for you – that’s enough to eat for a week!
    Love the pics and commentary re car hire and hotel room – not a dummy spit in my world either!
    Love Di xx

  • Patricia Forner

    Thank you for sharing your trip to the miniature city. I remember fondly visiting a similar one at the Hague years ago when our kids were young. Lots of fun. The one in Germany is much more complicated and a great deal larger. What fun for you two broads! Stay safe and away from COVID which is still rearing its ugly head. Glad you are not in the US, what a mess there. Love, Patricia

  • Christopher Urtz

    The most important question of all, though. Did Jarrah actually successfully eat that whole pizza?? Because that looks like one that I would struggle with!

  • Lauren

    Looks amazing. I was in Hamburg years ago for swimming. You must love being on the go again with people around you. And that pizza!!!! Heaven.
    Enjoy every minute xx

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