England,  United Kingdom


We’ve been given a reprieve from isolation and decided to make the most of it, while we can/it lasts.
Headed off to Oxford on Wednesday – a mere 33kms from Banbury where we’ve been living for the last 7+ weeks.

On the one hand it was lovely to be able to get parking right in the city centre and walk around without crowds … on the other hand feels like a post-apocalyptic world and of course, with nothing open and very few people around, there was no atmosphere that you would normally get from a city.

Below are some pics from our walk around Oxford together with some fun facts from the Oxford City Guide website.

The Bodleian Library, New College and Christ Church famously feature in many of the early Harry Potter films helping to create the iconic gothic backdrop that became the unmistakeable Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry! Unfortunately, all closed πŸ™

“Magdalen” College (pictured above) – apparently there is an ongoing debate as to how to pronounce it. “Magdalen” or “Maudlin” – see more here

There’s a patch of grass along the river Cherwell, called Parson’s Pleasure, where dons used to bathe naked. Women were expressly forbidden, but one day, a punt filled with ladies drifted past. The embarrassed dons struggled to cover their bits as quickly as possible, but one don (from Keble College) covered only his face, exclaiming that he was known in town only by his face!

Hitler was intending to use Oxford as his capital if he conquered England which is one of the reasons it was not bombed.

Carfax Tower, is all that remains today of St. Martin’s Church, the official city church of Oxford from 1122 onwards.

After our walk around Oxford, we took a short drive to Iffley Lock where we sat on the banks of the River Thames to eat our lunch. The sun was out for about 5 mins which was lovely ‘cos it was a chilly high of 10C today!


  • Jeffrey Rheaume

    Beautiful area, thanks for the pictures, I spent 6 days in England long time ago but mostly in London.

  • Lynda Maxwell

    What amazing buildings in Oxford. So lovely to just be able to get out in the fresh air & see some different countryside.

  • Barb

    Fabulous facts from your visits … thanks, as could be useful one Wed evening sometime soon πŸ€”. Pleased you could eat ape somewhat to see the history of the Nation πŸ’“

    • Lauren

      So happy you are out and about. We had a tour round Magdalen college with the girls when we were there. Was their Open Day, so good timing. Love to you both xx

  • Patricia Forner

    I am so envious of you and Jarrah being stranded in England. I hope that you will also get to venture to Scotland and perhaps Ireland before you return to Oz. But, that, of course, depends on a safer non-Corona environment, and who knows how long that will take. About the only new thing here is that the restaurants are open to 10 patrons at a time for seating, but more can be served from the sidewalk, so my daily walk up to Crows Nest in the a.m. can now include a stop at Le Bouchon for crepes and a flat white and trying to eat and drink while standing on the sidewalk socially distancing the other pedestrians! Other than that, not much excitement. Loving your daily installments with photos and commentary. Hugs to you and Jarrah.

  • Deb, Pep n Tayla

    Had to giggle at your easy parking comment – when we visited Oxford on our last trip the unavailability of ANY parking ANYWHERE nearly spoilt the whole day as we had to drive around forever till we found a spot! Loved the fun facts too – had absolutely no idea about Hitler’s plan πŸ™‚ There is also an amazingly old pub on the pedestrian drag in the centre of Oxford that we stopped at (probably still closed sadly) – But it was famous for the fact that Tolkein used to sit in there and scribble away!!

    If you are at all interested in Harry Potter then a visit to Gloucester Cathedral is a must as many recognisable scenes also filmed there (and stop at Worcester Services on the Motorway if you get chance on the way – its the most incredible motorway services I have ever seen – bizarre but true!!) And while I am not usually a fan of theme parks / activities the Warner Bros Studio Tour of the Harry Potter Experience is truly amazing, hope it reopens while you are there!! – You can literally walk through the sets – The Great Hall, Diagon Alley, the Forbidden Forest, Professor Dumbledore’s office – Hogworts dorm rooms etc, see the costumes, special effects & creatures . . . Watch how certain scenes were filmed, and the last stop on the Tour is a nothing short of spectacular (you actually walk around at your own pace but in a set order) – Won’t tell you what it is, you need to go if you get chance! All really well managed and presented. – It lists itself as being in “London” but really it is at Watford Junction . . . . Gosh I sound like a tour operator . . . . . Bye for now xxx

  • Christopher Urtz

    A bit late coming – but sooo happy you guys are able to get out now. Those first few days are out are a true delight. Looking forward to catching up on the rest!!

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