England,  United Kingdom

Sainsbury’s, Sanitiser & Strawbridge

As you’ve probably noticed, posts have become few and far between and what posts there are, are not our usual upbeat, informative, cutting-edge, laugh-out-loud content … this one is definitely no exception so move on unless you too are brain dead and desperate for any distraction from COVID-19.

The things that have excited us beyond comprehension this past week are:

We’ve been introduced to Sainsbury’s Smart Shop – What is THAT I hear you ask? It’s shopping with a hand-held scanner so that you can scan and pack your groceries as you shop! The obvious benefits being:
– no queues at check-outs
– no unloading from trolley onto conveyor
– no hurriedly packing your own groceries as the cashier throws things at you faster than a baseball pitcher (YES Australia – that’s a thing in the UK, packing your own groceries!)

Even more amazing – it works! NO problems scanning, or the wrong prices coming up, or problems removing an item – just bloody works!

Now I know y’all going to ask … how do they know you’ve scanned everything you’ve already put in your bags …. they don’t! They just trust you. And therein lies the huge difference between England and the USA.

Of course it is yet another job we are taking on, putting other humans out of jobs whilst supermarkets pass on no savings and increase their profits 🙁

Next exceptionally exciting event … I managed to buy hand sanitiser for the first time in 5 weeks the other day!! Now before all you all get on your high horses about hand washing … I need it for those occassions when I am out walking across other people’s property. There are gates to be opened and closed, or stiles, fences and/or gates to be (gracefully) climbed over and apparently it is absolutely impossible for me to not touch my face for even a minute, never mind an hour or more!

Last but by no means least … I found out I could download an app on the smart TV so that I can catch up on all 7 million episodes of “Escape to the Chateau” and “Escape to the Chateau DIY” 24/7 binge watching instead of having to rely on a paltry 10 episodes per week! Doin’ the happy dance!


  • Jonathan

    I didn’t realise that shop and scan was such cutting edge technology. Virtually every large supermarket has had it for some time in the UK. You are going to be very impressed when you venture further and find the Amazon stores where you don’t need to scan as you go along, you just wheel your trolley through an airport style scanner and it automatically debits your card!

  • Des

    Wow that scanner thing sounds like a science fiction movie, unlikely to ever come here to SA. Pity as sounds amazing.

  • Lynda

    Sounds like an eventful week, I also love that Escape to the Chateau, sadly we are watching the same episodes over & over again. Did you know they have an online shop, might want to have a look.

  • Diane Cooper

    Thinking of you both – we’re allowed two people now into our homes. So on Friday night Harry had two friends over and last night our friend Brent came for dinner. It would have been good to have another single friend for dinner however all our single friends live overseas! Wonder why!!! xx

  • Deb, Pep n Tayla

    When you get chance to go further field you must try Waitrose supermarkets as their range is amazing (and they had that scanner technology before we moved to Oz if you were a Waitrose Card holder!!!) And if you haven’t already discovered the food at M & S it is outstanding too . . . . M & S Choc Chip cookies are just incredible, oh and their sandwiches and lunch deals are hard to beat . . . . and dinner deals too . . . . Gosh my mouth is watering, must be nearly dinner time here – Enjoy!! 🙂

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