California,  United States

Mojave Desert

Drove from Vegas to Mojave Desert, passing many Joshua Trees (a first for us) and after a couple of hours of a jarring, jolting ride down dirt “roads” that scrambled our brains and re-arranged our internal organs, we eventually arrived at our spot for the night. No hook ups (electricity & water) but a very beautiful spot to spend a couple of days. Vegetation very much like the Karoo – not sure why they are not farming sheep here?

Went for a hike on Saturday on a 1 mile trail through Hole in the Wall (which turned out to be “holeS” in the rocks to be exact). Very pleasant walk between the mountains and across some private land with cows. Kept a very watchful eye on one bull that was watching us as thoughts of Lyn, Hugh & Sean being charged by one sprung to mind). Had to use very conveniently provided iron rings to climb through parts of the rock (see pics below) – full body workout.

Remember to click on words in red (link to another website) and small pics for an enlarged version, otherwise you’re missing out.

On Saturday night attended a night sky talk put on by a Mojave Desert ranger – unfortunately a bit of a cloudy night so couldn’t see as much as usual – still interesting though and learnt some things. Some of the other campers were surprised to hear we were from Australia – asked us how we heard of Mojave Desert  (uhhmm, Geography?), they reckon “most” Americans don’t even know of its existence (?!?). Their words, not mine.

Wind picked up on Saturday night and we were rocked all night (but not in a relaxing, rocking you to sleep kinda way) by winds apparently 12-14kms/hr – I reckon they were stronger though 😊, not much sleep was had.

Set off on Sunday morning for our journey to Sedona (Arizona) – will take us a couple of days to get there, so taking a scenic route along part of Route 66 and over-nighting at a Harvest Host spot again.

I never thought I’d say:
This fridge is too cold!



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