
Pipeline Trail

Went on another hike on Sunday – on the “Pipeline Trail”. Not as scenic/photogenic as the previous hike but this time we were in the search of the highly elusive Resplendent Quetzal (Bird), Howler Monkeys and Sloths.

Thanks to our excellent guide, we saw not one, not two but FOUR Quetzals (males and a female) but unfortunately, too far away to get any decent pictures. Came across a troop of Howler Monkeys too but the sloths managed to elude us.

See here for the Resplendent Quetzal and here for Howler Monkeys

Pics below from the trail ….

This is the Bajo Mano climbing wall on the way to the trail …. formed at some point by a volcano (or not) and a flood (or something) caused the horizontal bit on the right. Watch out David Attenborough, I’m after your job!

Bajo Mano Climbing wall


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