England,  United Kingdom,  Various

The Gap Year That Was …

Well, what a year! Where do we start? We’ve travelled five continents (Australia, South America, North America, Europe and Asia) and 15 countries. We’ve kayaked on the Colorado River, cycled in Panama and San Antonio, snorkelled in Croatia, got stuck in the mud in Texas, swam in Lake Geneva, paraglided in Turkey, won a Trivia Night in Scotland, had snowfall in Banbury, nearly killed ourselves in the motorhome in the USA, had a Tequila tasting in Mexico, made new friends along the way (and even met an actor from Breaking Bad) and survived a global pandemic (so far at least). And … (unbelievably) only two traffic infringements (not speeding fines)!

We’ve been to the lowest point in the USA (Badwater Basin), the highest in Europe (Jungfrau) and many places in between. We’ve marvelled at White Sands in New Mexico and been on planes, trains, and automobiles (and boats). We’ve had a global pandemic declared only 3 months into our gap year, borders shut on us at a moments notice, tornado warnings, lockdowns imposed and flights cancelled (due to COVID and political argy-bargies), and there has been blood, sweat and tears … but plenty of hysterical laughing too.

We’ve posted 160 blogs, had 762 comments (some of you are really slack!!) and uploaded 4,048 photos of the tens of thousands taken.
Our most loyal fan with 116 comments is Lynda (what happened to the other 44 Lynda??), Chris in second with 65 and Pat just pipped at the post with 64.

It’s been hard to decide but what follows are our best and worst of (which we retain the right to vary at any time in the future, without prior warning):

Best Meal – Christmas Dinner in Boquete
Worst Meal – Dinner at hotel in Cappadocia
Friendliest People – Turkey
Least Friendly – Switzerland
Best Airbnb – Vico Equense
Worst Airbnb – Bucerias
Best Hotel – Page8 (London)
Worst Hotel – Tivoli Terme (Italy)
Hottest Temp – 38C (Florence)
Coldest Temp – minus 5C (Banbury)
Most Surprising – Sedona
Most Disappointing – Bucerias
Best Show – Menopause the Musical
Worst Show – Cirque du Soleil
Most Unique Experience – Badwater, Death Valley
Most Touristy Experience – Ölüdeniz, Turkey
Most Expensive Country – Switzerland
Cheapest Country – Turkey
Best Wine – Chile
Worst Wine – Switzerland
Easiest Language – Italian (Jarrah), German (Sandra)
Most Difficult Language – Greek
Most Helpful People – Isle of Skye
Least Helpful People – Germany (Chris & Tom excluded)
Best Toilets – Switzerland
Worst Toilets – Turkey
Best Drivers – Germans
Worst Drivers – Italians
Best Beach – Croatia
Worst Beach – Cesenatico, Italy
Most Criminal Country – Panama

The year in numbers:

As well as immeasurable:
Kilometers walked
Stairs & Hills climbed
Litres of Water consumed
Kilos gained (not completely true – we know exactly how many) 🙂
Aching muscles and joints

And last but not least, months in (real) lockdown: SIX
However, not one single day sick for either of us!

Things we’ve Tried on our Travels:
Chimichurri (Panama)
Haggis (Scotland)
Black Pudding (England)
Seaweed in Salad (Scotland)
Irn Bru (Scotland)
Leberkase (Munich)
Chowder (Monterey)
Rab Cake (Croatia)
Pear Liqueur (Croatia)
Minted Peas (England)
Currywurst (Munich)
Weisswurst (Regensburg)
Obatzda (Regensburg)
Skirt Steak (Puerto Vallarta)
Prickly Pear Juice (Old Tucson Studios)
Pomegranate Juice (Turkey)
Künefe (Turkey)
Lahmacun (Turkey)
Aperol Spritz (Europe) – Jarrah is a fan, I am not
Authentic Sauerkraut (Germany)
Gin & Rose Lemonade (Lake District)
Pulled Beef Pizza (Bath)
Spaghetti Ice-cream (Munich)
Wild Boar (San Gimignano)
Driving a Motorhome
Driving on the right hand side of the road

Days on the Road

(From take-off in Brisbane to the minute Jarrah touched down in Darwin)

1yr, 1mnth, 0wks, 1day, 2hrs, 59mins & 27 secs

Below are links to three video edits Jarrah has made so far (there may or may not be more in the future, you’ll have to keep checking her YouTube Account.)


Goodbye, Auf Wiedersehen,

Au revoir, Ciao, G’day, Cheers!


  • Diane Cooper

    Love it! What a journey you’ve had! And I’m guessing it looked quite different from what you’d planned, although I’m sure there are things you’ve experienced you hadn’t planned (like lock-down).
    I’ve so thoroughly enjoyed your posts, photos, rants and now want to travel to many of the places you’ve documented.
    Jarrah – good luck for this next stage in your life, no doubt you’ll learn lots, meet lots of new friends and have many new experiences.
    Sandy – wishing we could have a girls’ weekend away soon! Perhaps we need another Friday night Zoom group catch-up?
    Love Di xxx

  • Deb, Pep n Tayla

    Love it! What an absolutely mind blowing, incredible experience – and during such a challenging year.

    Have loved all the pics, that you are both still smiling, the commentaries, your sense of humour, the “Unflitered” round ups – its been truly wonderful “travelling” with you both –

    Stay Safe xxxx

  • Meera Miller

    WOW- so spectaular and thank you for taking us away from our lives to travel with you guys. Many memories I am sure. xx all the best with next steps for both of you.

  • Lauren

    Wow, what a trip. Great summary for this final blog. Loved seeing the world through your eyes and had many a laugh at your comments along the way.
    Keep safe and hope to see you soon xx

  • Raechel Strong

    Loved reading this and hearing your stories and seeing the beautiful photos along the way. What an amazing year together. ❤️ Love you both so much!!!

  • Mandy

    I’m too scared not to comment now! I’ve loved reading your blogs and look forward to our video catch up soon. Would suggest catching up one day over an aperol spritz but maybe not!! Funny thing they’ve become very trendy in Australia!! Much love xx

  • Lynda Maxwell

    I am really going to miss all of this, what an amazing year it has been travelling with you both & seeing the world through eyes. Have loved every minute of it & had such good laugh’s. Thank you ladies.

  • Pip

    Considering there are only 365 days in a year, with six months in lockdown – MASSIVE effort BroadsAbroad, I tilts me hat to yer both !! Big big thank you for including us on you trials & tribulations, and most joyous moments, and the evidence is there that the rants n raves were few and far between. Now you have the arduous task of slotting back into the life of responsibility after all that freedom but who am I to point that out and grimace behind my green-eyed splayed fingers?!
    I cannot begin to imagine that I would have been so diligent with blogging, or 4000 odd photos. You have been so gracious in sharing your Year of a Lifetime with us, taking us on journeys into envy and desire – and glowing happiness for you both!
    “May the bluebird of Happiness continue to be your Wingspan”

  • Christopher Urtz

    Well it wouldn’t be me if I didn’t notice something here. Most Expensive Country was Switzerland, and Cheapest was Turkey. Best Toilets were to be found in Switzerland, and the worst were in Turkey. Maybe there’s some link here?? 😉

    I have one thought, maybe as a Post Credit Easter Egg to the loyal readers of the blog. What about a blog entry at some point detailing the things that you guys had roughly planned to do, that got kai-bashed by the Virus. Like I know when we first met in Tamarindo, there was discussions of going to a baseball game during your trip through North America. What else wound up getting left on the table?

    Also, and however unlikely that might be, it could be a lead-in to Gap Year: The Sequel. (We’re baaaaack!!)


  • Rob

    I loved reading your summary of all of your experiences! What a fun and inspiring trip. It gives me some fuel to continue planning our own! -Rob and James

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