
San Gimignano & Montepulciano

I fell in love with San Gimignano when I first visited it … many moons ago, and hence why it was on our list and I was looking forward to showing it to Jarrah.
However, when we arrived a felt a tad disappointed, it didn’t seem the same (unlikely given its been around since about 900 BC) but I was probably just tired, I had been driving for hours and then we had to park quite far away and we entered it from a different road/entrance.

After a good night’s sleep (in the lovely air-conditioned B&B) and breakfast with that most stunning view (see further down), I’m glad to say that when we took a walk into town (entering through the main “gates”) – I fell in love once again.

San Gim is famous for its 14 towers that give it its famous skyline. However, in its prime, the city had over seventy towers, homes which were built by the many wealthy families in the town as a way to show off their wealth and power.

Wild boar is a traditional dish around here – so we decided to try it (well, to be honest, Jarrah decided to try it and I was dragged into it). It is available as a stew, a pasta sauce and a cured meat. We opted for the latter, known as cinghiale (pronounced “cinghiale”) 🙂 It was actually very nice. I was expecting it to be very piggy – but it wasn’t. A bit like Bresaola in both texture and taste but different 🙂 Now we know why Asterix & Obelix were such a fans!

Below are the views from the Airbnb/B&B we stayed at in San Gim – just amazing! And it was lovely accommodation, with proper air conditioners that worked and run by the loveliest young couple who are expecting a baby. We had breakfast on the terrace with this view.

Did you see what Jarrah did there? – the pic of the wine glass?

I’m all out of words … if you haven’t been to San Gimignano, you should go. You won’t regret it. And stay at B&B La Cornice, and have the wild boar and the gelato, and the biscotti, but not the lasagne at that shitty touristy restaurant on the corner of the Piazza della Cisterna.

And with that it was time to bid farewell to San Gim again. We took a recommended route through Tuscany on our way to Tivoli and stopped for a picnic lunch in Montepulciano. It is yet another beautiful, quaint town up on a high hill with cobblestone streets, narrow alleyways, church bells and everything Tuscan. Just delightful! Apparently known for its “Vino Nobile” – but I didn’t get to try any, given I was driving … again. Note to self … bring a tee-totaling friend who can drive on next visit to Tuscany.

Can highly recommend a visit to Montepulciano too. And there is a wonderful “Conad” (grocery chain) where you can buy delicious fresh ingredients for a picnic and where you are meant to get only 15 mins free parking but if you stay for nearly two hours (because you misunderstood the sign in Italian) and then try to exit and call for help and speak English, they just let you out for free! Remember, you heard it here first!


  • Barb

    You have certainly had some dubious Air BnB experiences … a travellers guide may get published one day perhaps ðŸĪ”. Clever use of water ? In wine glass Jarrah. Enjoying your blog very much ðŸĪŠ

  • Diane Cooper

    OMG I love this place too! You didn’t really even need to go anywhere with a view like that! It all looks fabulous! Jarrah’s very clever – the scenery and sunsets she had to work with were pretty amazing though!

  • Audrey

    Oh yes, I have such fond memories to our visit to San G as a family many, many years ago, as well as trekking with my friend Jenny – also many, many years ago. Such a beautiful part of the world – I don’t think we visited a single town in Tuscany that wasn’t picturesque and interesting for one thing or another. The Nebiolo from Montepulciano is yummy indeed – in fact all the wines from that region are yummy! Yes, you need a DD Sandy 🙂 You are so clever with the photography Miss J – the reflection in the water in the wine glass is amazing! Loving the tour of Italy with you ladies. Makes me feel a bit sad as I miss it so much, but also glad with your tales + the (nearly) daily dose of beauty. Thank you!

  • Theresa

    Just like I rememeber but a lot less people!! I love seeing everything through your eye’s!! Cool pic with the wine glass Jarrah!!

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