

Munich was meant to be the end of our German experience, however due to Austria being totally unreasonable 🙂 we have had to not only change our plans and go to Switzerland instead … but we had to take the long way around too (to avoid cutting across the top 5mm of Austria) which meant an extra night in Germany.

Anyway, we weren’t too fussed as it gave as an opportunity to do some sightseeing of the little resort towns around Bodensee which we had passed a few days previously on our way to Munich. Didn’t have time to stop that day as we were hot footing it to Garmisch-Partenkirchen.

First stop Lindau Island, which has a lovely Alstadt (like pretty much every German town/city) and a charming restaurant area around the harbour.

The next day, a quick walk around Hagnau am Bodensee. An idyllic spot with beautiful views of Bodensee and behind you views of the vineyards. My kinda place.

Crystal clear blue water … most inviting!

By the way, the cycle track around Bodensee is a mere 260km, the area of the lake is 536m2 and its maximum depth … wait for it … is 251m!!!

And with that we say Auf Wiedersehen to Germany! PS: Learnt at least 20 new words in German in 3 weeks 🙂

Up next … Germany Unfiltered.


  • Christopher Urtz

    I actually had a chance to visit a few years ago. It’s also a wonderful place to go hiking. As you said, it’s a short 10 minute train ride from Lindau over the Austrian border to a small mountain called Pfender. (Pronounced: Fender). When my brother-in-law told me we were visiting Pfender, I thought we were going to a music museum. I was all excited. But not all was lost, as the views from up top were quite lovely. And apparently if the weather is perfect, you can more or less see all away across the lake!

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