England,  United Kingdom

Broughton Castle

We took a walk to Broughton Castle on Easter Saturday – ‘cos you can do that in England … castles within walking distance πŸ™‚ Set off on the Salt Way but in the opposite direction this time, lovely spring weather again and lots to see along the way.

Below: Scenery en route and a pub in Broughton

Arriving at the castle, there were signs up saying it was closed, but gates to the grounds were open and I could see someone with a stroller walking along the road ahead of us. Was dithering about whether to go in or not and decided to take a pic of a house at the entrance, when a man suddenly came around the corner. I felt a bit like a rabbit caught in the headlights but after an awkward moment – he said “You can take a picture if you want” – long story short, he was a lovely, friendly man who told us we could walk around the grounds as long as we had walked there and not driven there – so off we went. Apparently the previous week people had arrived in droves in cars and the police had arrived and moved them all on.

The castle is a moated and fortified manor set in large parklands with sheep and lambs running about.

These gorgeous little twins left their mum and came running up to us but clearly had been briefed on social distancing as they stopped 2m away and wouldn’t venture any closer.

Broughton Castle is home to the 21st Lord and Lady Saye and Sele whose family name is Fiennes. And yes, Ralph and Joseph Fiennes are from a cadet branch of the family! (Don’t believe me? Check it out here). Ownership of the castle has remained in the same family since 1447. The core house was built in 1306 and the Gatehouse in the early 15th Century – most of what you see today dates from the 1550s.

A number of films and TV series have been filmed at the castle including Wolf Hall (2014), Jane Eyre (2011), Shakespeare in Love (1998) and The Madness of King George (1987) to name a few.

More history on the castle and pics of the house and garden can be seen by clicking here


  • Anonymous

    So much history… it’s far more interesting than the house that was knocked down after 50 years story from Noosa

  • Christopher Urtz

    Those are lovely pics. And a funny little side note – when I first read the title here, I thought it said Bought an Castle. I’m thinking, “Whaaaat!?”

  • Barb

    Awesome photos and your accompanying descriptors always make great reading … well done you. Seems as if Salt Way is being well trodden in your time of ISO. Thank goodness you are where you are is all I think 😳
    We are merrily doing Reno’s still but sure have made an impact … cherry picker hired to paint out front, digger in for 2 retaining walls, tree roots from said fallen 23 trees proved difficult for digger but now removed, 2 bathrooms and toilet upstairs fully functioning and kitchen plans being acted upon … deck out by pool area and lean too over deck this weeks project and hopefully the tick of approval soon, once plans for extension have been finalised.
    I’m reminded of the idiom … you can’t bake a cake unless for break on egg frequently, especially when mud and mess feature in my landscape 😩😎😀.
    Think of you often, stay safe and well over there as we are here πŸ’—

  • Patricia Forner

    How beautiful and tranquil a site. Loved the gardens. It is always a joy to walk by the gardens here in our little Naremburn suburb that have been recreated to look like a garden in England, and then there is always something quite Australian to remind me of where I truly live now. Stay well and don’t let the virus getcha! We are all going a bit stir crazy here, but we haven’t killed one another yet. Thank you for brightening my day with your lovely pics and descriptions.

  • Deb, Pep n Tayla

    Gosh these pics are spectacular Sandy & Jarrah – brings back so many memories of the best of England’s countryside – So much history too, what a great place you picked to wait out ISO. Hope the weather holds for you as it must make exploring so much more fun without the need for wellies! xx

  • Deb, Pep n Tayla

    I’d also like to know why your Blog picked my “Avatar” to be an angry hands on hips red handbag . . . . . LOL!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

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