Texas,  United States


Wow, wow, wow! We loved Austin! James and Rob who we met in Mexico (and pretty much every American we’ve spoken to since) recommended that we stop in at Austin and we’re so glad we did!

Austin is the capital of Texas (if y’all didn’t know) and it is a fascinating place.  We went on a 2 hour tour with Austin Detours (highly recommended) and learnt SO much about Austin and its history. Too much to remember/tell you – so you’ll have to come and experience it for yourself.

Below: City and inside Austin Library (Bailey, you would love the library!!)

Austin’s motto is “Keep Austin Weird” but we found it wonderful. It is set among parklands and the Colorado river (where we went kayaking) and there are more green parks already being built/created. Currently has a population of around 1 million (ie: very little traffic) and they anticipate 4 million by 2040.

Appears that they have been ahead of the game for a while (art deco in the Capitol Building is at least 50 years ahead of art deco becoming popular – just one example). The size and scale of development in the city has apparently always taken the future population size and needs into consideration and are still doing so today.

As big as the Capitol is (taller than the United States Capitol and 33,000m2 of floor space excluding the extension), there is also a reverse rotunda and several underground buildings with sky lights at ground level for lighting and of course saving on cooling etc being underground.

The door hinges seen above right measure 8″ x 8″ and weigh over 7 pounds each!

The tour took us past Austin University – beautiful setting with a large fountain at the end of its garden-lined entrance. There are some “old” very quaint sorority houses but also various other types of housing including a modern 27 storey residence “hall” that has a 2 floor shopping mall, restaurants, pool, fitness center etc.  In fact, the university covers 431 acres, has 51,000+ students and has it’s own zip code as well as an endowment of US$30.96 billion.

The RV park we are staying in is NOT flash (or even good really) but one of the most expensive sites to date. Mainly full-time residents and found out on the tour that there is a 5 year waiting list to get a permanent site!! My research showed that it is very centrally located and was it just! We realised just how much on the tour – within walking distance to several of the best eateries in Austin (from expensive Texas Grills to food trucks) as well as downtown, the river, Zilker Botanical Gardens and Barton Pools – a 3-acre pool that is fed from underground springs with an average temperature of 70F/21C (unfortunately closed during our time in Austin). Took a walk around the Botanical Gardens – a tad disappointing.

Apparently this time of year (Spring Break) usually sees Austin’s “Dirty Sixth Street” filled with bars closed off for pedestrian traffic only with about 30 to 40 thousand people around most nights – all been cancelled due to COVID-19. Which is a pity but it has meant that we’ve been able to enjoy Austin without any queues and crowds.

Below: Some of the eating places on Rainey Street (another very popular street in Austin). Renovated houses turned into bars and restaurants.

Did you know?

There is no income tax in Texas? Only land tax (1.35% in Austin).

The Texas Capitol is taller than the Unites States Capitol?

Texas’ first female governor was “Ma” Ferguson in 1925? She served two non-consecutive terms and is a bit of a controversial figure. Although a teetotaler, she opposed prohibition and took on the Ku Klux Klan. Her first term was due to her husband being banned from holding office (another interesting character) and her campaign slogan was “Me for Ma, and I Ain’t Got a Durned Thing Against Pa” 😊 Quite a character – worth a google.

Austin believes that artists (of every discipline) and musicians are a valuable contribution to society and there are therefore various subsidies and funding programmes to help support them whilst they are making a name for themselves (and also a special subsidy for disabled artists)?

Have a look at Todd Sanders’ website (“Roadhouse Relics” pic below) – rags to riches story and he’s still operating from the same little studio in Austin but being commissioned to do works for the rich and famous all over the world.

They have entire streets of old “speak easies” that have local musicians playing every night – with no cover-charge.

If the tour guide is to be believed, Austin invented food trucks and it certainly appears that way – they are everywhere and the food is delish!

One disappointment with Austin/Texas … I know this is probably going to cause an uproar but I’m saying it … I didn’t like Texas’ ribs! I’ve been searching for pork ribs (like we used to get back in South Africa) for 25+ plus years and felt SURE I’d find the equivalent here … alas, was not to be. The search continues!

Below: Pics from our walk along the Colorado River. Hundreds of turtles, some only an inch in diameter and clinging to branches to bask in the sun.

However two eateries that did not disappoint were P.Terrys for take-away burgers (recommended by the tour guide), they use organic ingredients, food was tasty and they are still cheaper than crappy McDonalds. The other was the original, first Chuy’s (Tex-Mex restaurant chain). Had Rellenos for the first time (a large chilli stuffed with meat/cheese, battered and deep fried) – very tasty especially with their “Deluxe Tomatillo Sauce” (tomatillos, green onions, garlic, cilantro, spices and sour cream). I loved them, m y stomach not so much! However – Mexico, Texas and every other restaurant that serves Mexican food – can we forget refried beans?? Please?? First of all … just LOOK at them – enough to put anyone off their meal and secondly – the taste! Enough said.

I’ve waffled on for too long and still haven’t covered everything … like I said, y’all will have to come on down! And plan on spending more than 2 days.

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

NOT Plato (apparently)

Couldn’t recork my sparking wine – partly because… sparkling wine cork and partly because fancy bottle has a tiny opening (so normal wine cork saved esp for such an occasion – didn’t work). Solution – Sprite lid!

Moral of the story? – drink the entire bottle in one evening!

Would love to say … Next stop “….” – however between Coronavirus closures, etc (including Bourbon St in New Orleans) and shitty weather, we have no idea where we are going tomorrow. Any suggestions welcomed! (We’re in San Antonio and the plan was Corpus Christi – time will tell!).


  • Deb, Pep n Tayla

    Wow – brings back memories as I actually swam in Austin back in 1981 (for USC’s swim team – not the University of the Sunshine Coast but University of Southern California 🙂 🙂 🙂 – Austin held the collegiate National Swimming Champs that year (were called AIAWs now NCAAs!!), must have been at the Uni. Sad to say during Uni days in California I visited sooooo many places to swim but never really had chance to explore – really wish we had now (mind you I’m sure it looked very different back then!)

  • Christopher Urtz

    Yeah, this virus has really thrown a monkey wrench into going, essentially, anywhere. (I’m guessing that almost all museums and other sites worth seeing in major cities are closed down.) But here’s a possible thought – you guys aren’t all that far off from the border (read: Laredo). Perhaps go seek out some of the border wall? Oh, and here are two more – if you’re heading to Houston, you can stop off at the different stadiums with nothing going on. I know they’re closed to the public in terms of games, although I don’t know if they might not do a tour. Here’s a link to the website:


    And I know you guys found a really fancy movie theater in Mexico. If any are still open, perhaps you can find another cinema where you can get your dinner and watch a film? If you’re still in San Antonio when you get this, perhaps this place will fit the bill?


    At any rate, wishing you guys at least better weather!!

  • Patricia Forner

    Loved your running commentary on Austin. Of course, the music there is to be loved as well. So sorry that the Corona Virus will be following you wherever you go. It is a bit eerie here. No toilet paper left on the shelves of super markets! Guess Aussies will have the cleanest bums in the Southern Hemisphere for awhile. New Zealand closed its borders, so no one in or out for the next four weeks. Hope you stay safe and well. Have a ball in New Orleans. I hope that there will be life going on in the French Quarter so that you can have good food, great music and a good time. Love always, Patricia

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